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09:00 - 18:00

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sales@adaplasmak.com, export@adaplasmak.com


"Information Under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data
Adaplasmak Plastik Makine San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. We are committed to ensuring the protection of your personal information. We are giving you this information as a requirement of our obligations under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and the principles of transparency and accountability. Through this text, you can access detailed information about how your personal information is used and your rights in this regard. In addition, in order to ensure awareness and transparency regarding the protection of personal data, “Adaplasmak Plastik Makine San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. We also present the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy for your sharing. In this regard, as a requirement of our corporate understanding and commitments, we would like to state that we will take the necessary care to use your personal information within the framework explained in detail below.

As a result of changes in legal regulations or company policies, it may be possible to update the Clarification Text at regular intervals. You can visit our page regularly to reach the most up-to-date version of the text.

» Müşteri Aydınlatma Metni

» Tedarikçi Aydınlatma Metni

» Kişisel Veri Saklama ve İmha Politikası

» Çerez Politikası

» KVKK Başvuru Formu